We need moonshots for social and political change
We have paleolithic emotions, medieval institutions, and god-like technology”
Edward O. Wilson
The Mosaic Vision
Mosaic Foundation is building a humane Web platform to support a new era of democratic societies. Humanity faces unique 21st century challenges that present the significant possibility of civilization collapse. Existing institutions are typically too slow and inefficient to cope with these challenges and don’t have incentives sufficiently aligned with the people they are intended to serve.
We are designing a technology platform that supports the development of regenerative social Web projects that systematically builds on and expands the Mosaic platform. Mosaic Foundation is integrating open standard and open source software with the purpose of facilitating a more equitable and sustainable global civilization.
Mosaic Foundation is a new type of organization that is thinking creatively about how to best leverage both nonprofit and for-profit motives, to create organizational and business models with incentives aligned with the common good. We use first-principles thinking and a multidisciplinary approach for project development. We believe the world needs new power structures that don’t concentrate wealth and power through coercion or walled gardens, but instead spreads and distributes power, guided by core values of liberty, openness, and cooperation.
Imagine a world where social media is optimized for the well being of individual users, that fosters fellowship rather than polarization, and that strengthens Democracies. Envision a network of local and national reporters and commentators committed and accountable to the highest principles of journalism. It is possible to have meaningful mass dialogue that facilitates quality social sensemaking and consensus around public policies, followed up and implemented by representatives championing the will of their constituents.
We can create a more harmonious world that we can be proud to pass on to future generations. To achieve this vision we must open our minds and hearts to positive possibilities, freeing ourselves from the illusory constraints of what humanity is capable of. To meet our accelerating challenges humanity must move beyond reactive solutioning and develop the capacity for conscious proactive evolution.
Adam Lake
Executive Director